SCAND 2025 Abstract Submissions

Charlotte Bythewood-James, Georgia Southern University (Advisor: Joelle Romanchik-Cerpovicz): Consumer Acceptability of Dehydrated Potato Chips Fortified with Various Animal Proteins

Alexandria Dow, Clemson University (Advisor: Dr. Haley-Zitlin): Sensory evaluation of three mango varieties in school-aged children

Kamryn Gray, Clemson University (Advisor: Vivian Haley-Zitlin): Does Knowledge of Carotenoids Influence Fruit and Vegetable Intake in College Students (results pending)

Kelsie Johnston, Winthrop (Advisor: Jessi Hoffman): Exploring Potential Relationships Between Caffeine Intake, Mental Wellbeing, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in College Students

Irene Lubker, PhD, MLS, MPH, RD, MUSC: The Impact of Time-Restricted Feeding on Hemoglobin A1C compared with an Ad Lib Eating Pattern in Adults with Type II Diabetes

Kate Murphy, Clemson University (Advisor: Sheliah Durham): A Mixed Method Evaluation into First-Generation College Student Awareness of and Barriers to Nutrition Services (results pending) 

Saima Nicolas, South Carolina State University (Advisor: Carmen Thompson): Miracle Leaf: Can It Replace Prescription Medications, *Literature Review

Natasia Tomlinson, MBA, RDN, CNSC, Levine Children’s NICU: A New Lipid Guideline for Optimized Neonatal Nutrition Care