Media & Communications


The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics is the public's and news media's best source for the most accurate, credible and timely food and nutrition information. AND's volunteer media spokespeople are resources for expert commentary, story ideas and background on the full range of food and nutrition topics.

Journalists, please contact SCAND's Public Relations Spokesperson to arrange interviews.

Christy Maloney
E-mail:[email protected]

Your Credential Makes All the Difference: RD Means You are the Expert!
Communication Tools and Tips from ADA’s Public Relations Team
[email protected]

The food and nutrition experts of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics are the best source of timely, accurate and reliable information on eating well. To raise your visibility and demonstrate your value to consumers, health-care professionals, employers and people in all walks of life, AND works to strengthen understanding of RDs and the important role you play in our society.

In your workplace, in your community, in your nation ...You are the expert.

And one of the most important things any AND member can do to promote your Association, your profession and yourself is to effectively communicate your knowledge and your expertise.

There are as many different communication opportunities as there are AND members and people who benefit from working with you: Business and community leaders. Legislators and policy makers. Other health professionals and their organizations. Educators. The general public. Patients and clients (both current and potential). Employers. The news media.

The tools on this page will help you become a better communicator to all these groups and individuals. The skills you can develop, and the confidence you will build, will be invaluable as you give a presentation, conduct a news media interview, write a letter to the editor or an “op-ed” article, write a proposal, meet with a supervisor, interact with clients and patients, solicit donor support or report to an oversight committee.

Combining your professional skills and knowledge with excellence in communication will put you far ahead of the pack when it comes to achieving your full potential as a registered dietitian.

Good luck and have fun!