SCAND 2022-2023 Election Information

PRESIDENT-ELECT Attainment of Position: Elected by membership

Term: 3 years (1st year as President-elect, 2nd year as President, 3rd year as Past President)


1. Served in a leadership position at the District, State, or National level for at least 2 years.

2. Agrees to serve as President (1 year) and Past President (1 year) after serving as President-elect.

3. Strong communication skills, organization and time-management skills. 


1. Serve as a voting member of the Board and attend all meetings.

2. Serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee.

3. Support the President in leading SCAND according to its strategic plan.

4. Perform the functions of the office of President in the absence or disability of the President.

5. Coordinate with the President the activities of all committees and programs.

6. Plan the program of work and activities for the President-elect's term as President to be presented at the yearly transition meeting, to include schedules, calendars and guidelines for board members, and program of work guidelines for district associations.

7. Appoint the chairperson of all other committees and subcommittees to serve during the President-elect's term as President, except as otherwise specified in the Bylaws. Submit a roster of all state and district officers, delegate(s), and committee Chairmen to the Academy Headquarters.

8. In conjunction with the Executive Committee, prepare and present an annual budget (for the term as President) for approval by the Board.

9. Represent SCAND at The Academy’s Leadership Institute and at the affiliate training/FNCE.

10. As a member of the Annual Meeting Planning Committee, have oversight responsibility in conjunction with the President, Past President, Annual Meeting Chair and Executive Director for the planning and execution of the annual meeting.

11. Perform other duties as may be designated by the Board.

12. Attend SCAND Annual Meeting, Regulatory Day and Policy Day; encourage attendance by Board and membership.


NOMINATING CHAIR-ELECT Attainment of Position: Elected

Term: 2 years (1st year as Nominating Chair-elect, 2nd year as Nominating Chair)


1. Good organizational and communication skills.

2. Experience in elected position(s) in local affiliate (required) and in SCAND (preferred).

3. General knowledge of all areas of dietetic practice.


1. Serve as a non-voting member of the Board and attend all SCAND meetings.

2. Participate in all activities of the Nominating Committee.

3. Support the Nominating Chair to fulfill all responsibilities of the position.

4. Perform the functions of the office of Nominating Chair in the absence or disability of the Nominating Chair.

5. Attend the SCAND Annual Meeting.


DELEGATE(S) Attainment of Position: Elected by membership

Term: 3 years (and may be re-elected to serve one additional term)


1. Served in a leadership position at the State and/or National level for at least 2 years.

2. Good communication skills.


1. Represent SCAND in The Academy House of Delegates (HOD).

2. Actively participate in the HOD and area meetings and/or teleconferences by making motions, discussing issues, and voting; accepting appointments for committees and completing assigned tasks; maintaining communications with Area Coordinators and House Committees; obtaining and presenting SCAND concerns and issues; and voting as an Association representative.

3. Communicate with and obtain feedback from the Board of directors and membership on national issues, concerns, and activities of the Academy through presentations at state and district meetings, publications in the Palmetto Leaf, email blasts, postings on the website, and communication with individual members.

4. Accept additional leadership responsibilities from SCAND and the Academy, such as committee membership.

5. Serve as a voting member of the SCAND Board and attend all Board meetings.

6. Serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee.

7. Serve as a member of the Public Policy Panel.

8. When the Association is entitled to more than 1 Delegate(s), terms of office shall be staggered, and the Delegate with the most seniority shall be Chairman of Delegates. The Board of directors shall appoint an alternate Delegate(s) to serve in the place of the duly elected Delegate(s) when the duly elected Delegate(s) is unable to fulfill the duties of the office. The alternate Delegate(s) shall have the same qualifications as the elected Delegate(s). An assistant(s) to the Delegate(s) may be appointed by the Delegate(s) to review, evaluate, and explain Academy issues, concerns, and activities.

9. Serve as a Compliance Officer, if needed, according to the Whistle Blower Policy (see SCAND Policies and Procedures).

10. Attend SCAND Annual Meeting and Policy Day; encourage attendance by Board and membership.