SCAND 2023 Diet Manual for Long Term Care Facilities 

Diet Manual                   $85.00
Shipping & handling      $15.00
Total                              $100.00

Please order online (Online payment is down until 1/19/2025. Sorry for the inconvenience) here odownload a hard copy of the form to send in with a check. The online cost includes $3.50 credit card convenience fee. You may avoid this fee by sending the form along with a check to SCAND, PO Box 1763, Columbia, SC  29202.

SC DHEC, Regulation 61-17, Standards for Licensing Nursing Homes, Section 1406, C., states a diet manual published within the previous five (5) years shall be available ...  

 If you have any questions, please call the SCAND office at (803) 255-7223.