SCAND's Mission, Vision and Principles
Mission: To positively impact the health and well-being of South Carolinians through food and nutrition.
Vision: A state where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition.
- To have a state-wide impact in eliminating all forms of malnutrition and food insecurity
- Collaborate to solve our state’s food and nutrition challenges
- Expand work force capacity and capability of food and nutrition professionals
- Focus on state-wide improvements across the food well-being and health care sectors
- Highest level of integrity and commitment to excellence among dietetic professionals.
SCAND Strategic Plan approved 7/13/2021
SC Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic Objectives/Focused Goals
Prevention and Well-being
Goal 1 Develop and advocate for nutrition policies that support prevention and well-being initiatives
- Increase equitable access to nutrition and lifestyle services
- Promote nutrition choices that reduce the prevalence of diet-related chronic diseases
- Reduce all forms of malnutrition
- Improve health literacy and nutrition related behavior change
- Increase the accessibility and marketability of the dietetic profession.
Health Care and Health Systems
Goal 2: Integrate and elevate the role of nutrition care in health systems
- Identify and treat all forms of malnutrition
- Expand and leverage data to demonstrate effectiveness of dietetic and nutrition interventions
- Improve health equity through access to medical nutrition therapy services
- Expand capacity, capability and diversity of food and nutrition professionals in the workforce
- Support outcome based reimbursement to promote the value of nutrition professionals
- Advocate for improved reimbursement for nutrition services among stakeholders in the state of South Carolina
Food and Nutrition Safety and Security
Goal 3: Champion legislation, regulations and programs that increase food and nutrition security
- Increase equitable access to and utilization of safe nutritious food and water
- Advance and maintain sustainable resilient food systems
- Leverage innovations in the reduction of food waste and loss
- Advocate for federal, state and local funded nutrition programs
Diversity and Inclusion
Goal 4: Cultivate organizational and professional values of equity, respect, civility and anti-discrimination.
- Increase recruitment, retention and completion of nutrition and dietetics education and leadership at all levels for underrepresented groups.
- Establish infrastructure and resources to achieve optimal and sustainable outcomes for inclusion, diversity, equity and access (IDEA) in South Carolina.
- Advance food and nutrition research, policy and practices through a diverse and inclusive lens.